Interactions in your world are high stakes and urgent. Getting it communicated right is imperative. I help my clients become stage worthy and with little stage fright. There is a method to this where you assimilate and integrate skills for use every time you present.

Oh, it’s nothing. It’s just this little thing – only an introduction really.”

When my client, an executive director of a non-profit proclaimed this, I immediately began preparing this interaction with her. There is no such thing as a little thing in leadership communication. There would be Board members, donors, employees, media and potential stakeholders present.

Many times in the past she would come away feeling a failure in these moments because her nerves would overcome her.

To prepare for success, we custom tailor our comments to this particular audience. Get solid on our content (story); work on our connection (body) and presence so that nerves won’t take over. 

In my client’s case she did not have her voice give out as it has in the past.

Her full preparation found her to be a great success in this moment. She arrived at a connection and a comfort like never before.