How can I assess readiness?

How much autonomy do I give each individual on my team?

There is a tool for that. (Read at the end of the post).

Here are several scenarios around delegation and giving more autonomy.


A CIO of a promising start up had amassed a great team of talent. They were under enormous pressure to perform in an environment of demanding timeframes.

He confided in me that there were individuals on his team who believe they deserve more responsibility and are entitled to promotion when clearly this is not the case.

When faced with this issue, he struggled to articulate a fair assessment and evaluation that expresses the true picture to these individuals.

He used the models and method I offer to clients in which to evaluate their level of knowledge, experience, skills and motivation.

He also found that by using the words on the assessment, it gave him a common language when in conversation with these team members that kept them motivated and he could set a plan in motion for the steps toward growth going forward.


In another client case, on the flip side, there are those who you know you can rely on for their steadfast and valuable contributions. They fly under the radar and their involvements are not readily evident to the rest of the team.

With this model and process, it allows you to advocate with the necessary evidence needed to back up your decision to delegate to and give more responsibility.


A CFO client hired a highly seasoned individual with much needed expertise to fill a critical role on the team. The new individual’s expertise was high – but it had resided in a whole other industry.

This new hire did not possess the skill and knowledge in this industry my client hired him for.

“For the meantime, until I can bring him along into greater understanding of the industry, I will need to offer lower autonomy until he is steeped into a deeper experience here.”

He has the tool, the appraisal, and the language to deliver this message. And he can determine the amount of time and effort to mentor and coach his new hire to full understanding.

After offering this model and process to my coaching clients who found it incredibly useful; and they resolved their issues when and how to best delegate to their team members; it was high time that I offered this to a wider audience so that you too can take the advantages offered here.

Lead by Empowering Others is a self-study program that houses all the models, worksheets and tools to create a fair and unbiased appraisal of where one is toward gaining more responsibility and advancement.

Learn more here.