There was this time when I was in a coaching session with a woman who declared that she wanted ”to be the anchor in the room” – in the situations she is in.
Instantly, I had a vision of what that might be like and I shared it with her.
Picture a Tug-O-War Game.
The anchor is the very last person on the rope. Often they tie it around them.
They are the weight of the action and are giving slack to the rope to help their fellow players.
More often than not, this anchor in the midst of action – they are not able to see what is going on up at the front.
Instead, she has to read the rope – listening – feeling into for that which is needed to have her teammates pull to success.
It’s exciting to be in this space of not fully knowing, and, yet having to have all your senses piqued with the sensation to be present, and to be gauging, giving only what is necessary in that moment. That’s mastery.
How exhilarating.