Study with me

Online courses are offered via the Thinkific learning platform. 

There are Hybrid style courses: 

These include pre-recorded lessons of the principles and models; after which Live Zoom sessions are for applications, practice and Q&A. Coaching and feedback is available.

Some courses are self-study.

Leadership Communication:

a foundation

In two parts, Foundations (Part 1) provides you with structures, models and principles that create resonant and relevant content. It connects your message to your audience because you have built it around their preferences and values. 

Part 2 is Physical Expression: Here you learn the elements of Presence + Impact, with practices and principles that magnifies your presence, command and impact for a long-lasting positive impression. You gain ease, comfort and greater confidence when you are open, present and connected to yourself and to others.

Physical Expression includes focus on voice, stance, gesture, postural communication, movement and facial expression. This is what people are drawn to and remember.

Lead by Empowering Others


Clients ask me, “How do I gauge how much autonomy should I  give to individuals on my team?  How do I navigate our conversation that often feels like a gray area and I don’t always know how to handle some of the complexities? 

Here you will find models and worksheets to break down the level of motivation, skill, knowledge and experience of each individual and to know how much autonomy is most suited. With this deeper intelligence, you conduct skillful conversations.

It includes a model in which to gain commitment from your team members to take ownership in a project. As well as, a guide to the Human Centered Leader. 

Women Leading with Grace: The Value of our Genuine Self – A collection of three lessons

Includes pre-reading and a 90-minute live session each for practice and application.

Broadcast Messages – We have messages – mostly non-verbal – that we unconsciously give out.

Learn how to identify our messages and find positive messages to support our full and powerful presence.

Communicating Boundaries – Identify any habitual behaviors you default to when you are under stress. We look at survival strategies, conditioned tendencies and then adaptive strategies to what to do instead.

Amplify: Move from a Diminished Voice to a More Powerful Vocal Presence – We were born with a free and natural voice. Let’s find it once again. Identify any vocal issues that don’t support your fullest and most powerful vocal presence. Learn practices to give strength to your voice.

Storytelling Skills for Business

Use stories to build a framework of trust turning information into something relatable, understandable & memorable. People remember stories,  not a collection of rational facts.

Here are tools & practices to have you master the art of storytelling. Construct a relevant story. Physically tell it. Many fun exercises to find your creative juices flowing are practiced.

How to Prepare for an Interview

– self-study (with coaching available) – How do you allow the interaction to best highlight your competencies and capabilities for the role? 

Whether you’ve been in the workforce for a very long time or you are starting out, here is some sage wisdom to create your most successful interviews.

Be certain that this role and this organization are aligned with your values. 

You will find valuable information to get you well prepared for when you are interviewing – whether it is a new job, a new internal role or for school acceptance.

Dynamic Expression: Give Life to Your Intention

(carries a prerequisite of completing Leadership Communications: a foundation) We use Dynamic Expression to align our verbal and non-verbal communication. What if you could have a specific language that brings greater life to your communication? We practice it here. 

SOS: Storytelling for Special Occasion Speeches

a group mentorship program

For when you have to give a speech at a special occasion – a friend’s wedding, your kid’s Bar Mitzvah, Sweet Sixteen, graduations, awards ceremony, a toast, a eulogy?  How do you feel about it? Find the time and space to craft and rehearse your speech.

We gather in four sessions with three people to devise your speech and rehearse it with help from the others in the group.