Adversity? No Sweat. Prepare for the Event.

My favorite story of the 2012 London Olympics is when a commentator recounted that during the 2008 Beijing Games, Michael Phelps dived in for the 200 metres butterfly and his goggles filled with water yet he swam blind to a new world record. Can’t see? No...

Mastery – What does it take?

A VISA Olympic Commercial: “US Olympic Diver David Bodia will make over 25,000 practice dives in one year.  That’s like diving off the highest building in the world over 180 times.  All the more reason to cheer for the perfect dive right now.” Mastery defined...

Mirror Neurons – It's like "monkey see, monkey do"

I love talking about Mirror Neurons.  I just do.  And during the summer 2012 Olympic Games in London it was thrilling to see such perfect examples of them. Here is what they are:  You see a stranger stub her toe and you immediately flinch in sympathy. You watch a...

Heading to the “Big Stage”

It can be a long walk to the ‘big stage’.  It’s what you want.  You’ve been heading there for a long time.  Have you packed well for the trip? To “bring it”, you’ll want to bring this: √ Energy – tons of positive energy to energize your audience to...

“The body always speaks well before the mouth ever opens”

Some days I ask myself just where the short term memory went. It’s scary.  Except that the long term memory is great.  I remember an article I read in the New York Times Magazine section on Sunday from October 1, 2000. (Thank you Internet for finding it)  It was an...