Have you ever encountered someone where you can’t take your eyes off of them? That you felt better for it in their presence?

When we are in conversation with a colleague or a client there is an implicit agreement in holding attention. You give all your attention. They give you their attention. What would cause them to do that?

One is that the rapport is high and they trust that you have their best interests at heart.

The other is physical. There is a positive frequency – a potency and vibrancy.

I recall in my theatre training a time when our teacher brought in a former student of his who is now a renowned actor for stage, theatre, television and is an author as well. You most likely know who he is. When he walked in the room, (It was a surprise. We had no advanced notice he’d be teaching our class) I found that I could hardly breathe. There was a potency, a vibrancy, a sex appeal – it was palpable for me. It felt genuine, natural for him. I don’t believe he was aware of the effect he was having on people.

All that was followed up by a kindness, a generosity, with his attention on us and a real desire to offer us something of value. It was wholly unforgettable.

What if you could have this strength, vitality and intensity? It is possible.

Please join us for Physical Expression, Part 2 of Foundations for Leadership Communication. In it we spend time on your Presence.

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