Audiences are the guests that you have invited into your home. Take care of them. They want you to succeed and shine.

When your shoulders are tight, your audience’s shoulders are tight.  When you release your shoulders, the audience experiences great relief – consciously or unconsciously.

If you are holding your breath, the audience is holding their breath.

Give the audience what they need by giving yourself what you need.  Taking care of your audience is taking care of yourself. Stay connected to your partner – the audience.

Shift the Paradigm

What we put forth with our presence, actions, moods, feelings and attitudes demonstrated by our energy, stance, voice, gestures, and facial expressions – is what is reflected back to us by our listeners.

“It’s why people are physically connected in an extremely subtle way. The bodies of two people constantly resonate.

The tension in the muscles for someone who listens to someone else constantly copies the tension of the muscles of the person who is speaking without being visible – and in a slight increase in the same muscle tensions in the two persons.

There is this constant physical symbiosis – this constant resonance that creates a certain bond between two people that connects people at a very deep level with each other. It satisfies one of the most important longings of human beings – the desire to connect physically to other people.”                              ~ Mattias Desmet


Join in our online programs, here “The Energy of Presence” and here “Moods & Emotions” – each 90-minute Live Sessions – the pre-expressive and the connection to your audience is practiced.