Basic Skills: They get the elite teams winning

Basic Skills: They get the elite teams winning

Today in our business what are the Basic Skills that need repetition and reinforcement?  What can we put into practice to ensure success? This is the path to mastery and excellence. When I took over a girl’s youth soccer team as its coach mid-season because their...
Sage Wisdom from an Internationally Successful British Actor

Sage Wisdom from an Internationally Successful British Actor

Sir Michael Caine’s memoir, “Blowing the Bloody Doors Off” might seem like an unlikely source of inspiring wisdom, but it contains some great advice. “You are always auditioning”, he says. ‘If you only think you’re auditioning when you’re in the room with the casting...
Why Have Rapport?

Why Have Rapport?

Why bother to build rapport? At her husband’s holiday party, a friend of mine met her husband’s colleague who originally came from China.  This colleague shared the story about his brother who’d been climbing the corporate ladder in his homeland, and he...
Free Skate

Free Skate

I considered myself very fortunate to grow up in a town that had a roller rink, a bowling alley, and a lake that freezes over in the winter for ice skating. My hometown in northern New Jersey, formerly a farming town, was now part of the growing suburbs outside of New...